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The Messages

Jesus' Words intensify in us the need to prepare. He is telling us that time is moving on and now we have so little time left for this necessary preparation. Our preparation is vital if we are to be able to get through these times and help our brothers and sisters come to back to God. Jesus, again, tells us that His Truth is out there now, His Spirit of Justice and Truth are moving and He is claiming back His Creation. He explains how the balance of free will has been tipped in favour of the evil one and He cannot allow this as it interferes with His children's free will to choose to follow Him. And, again, Jesus emphasises that our preparing is in the dying to self: "...Take on My yoke, bring My Forgiveness and Love to this world as you die to self, as you walk in My Footsteps. Seek the Gentleness and Humility of My Heart and you will find Me in the very breath you breathe. Take My Love as your own love, take it with you as part of you: the essential part of you. See Me in the broken, the unforgiven, the lost, as I have told..." Monday 15 May 2023 We can also see, in this Message, the Beautiful Heart of Jesus that we celebrate this month, that Heart that calls us to Love and only Love.



image Houses of Prayer - Saturday 3 December 2022
Believe, children of Mine, I have given My Houses of Prayer to this world as a Gift to help guide you through this time of darkness and suffering. Soon, My Houses will ignite and this world will see and marvel at their power to cut through the darkness. I shall empower My people and they will be the beacons that call My flock to My Houses and they will sail through the turbulent waters, the darkness, and guide My people to safe refuge. These are the beacons that have been built through your faith in Me, My people, and will become the vessels of the Power of your God where My people will find faith and go on to do great things in this world. Trust Me and continue to build My Houses with your faith. Each time you Help one of My Houses, you lay another brick of faith. It is only through your faith in Me that you are drawn to help. Trust Me, children, you build something that you cannot understand but these Beacons of Faith shall call out to the peoples of this earth and they shall gather the remnant and carry My people through the Fire of Justice to the Time of Peace and Freedom. Trust Me, children, and continue to help build My Houses through your faith in Me. Trust Me. I Love you. Patricks: We are always asking for your help but, as we can read in these Words, we only think that we are asking for it is Jesus calling out to each one of us to lay bricks of faith that will build a mighty structure that will battle against the sin of this world. We cannot truly understand what Jesus is building through the Houses of Prayer, He has called them Refuges for His remnant, Beacons of Faith, Vessels of Truth, convents and monasteries that will send out priests, brothers and sisters to all parts of this world in the future. He has not revealed the full picture of what His Plans for His Houses are yet so, it is by faith we go on. It is through our prayers, our giving of time, our labour and financial help that we journey onward. Jesus calls these Bricks of Faith that He is using to build with. We are all part of the foundations of faith that Jesus is using to construct these buildings of Truth. We continue to ask for your help for there is so much to be done in this work that Jesus has asked of all of us. We can see when we look into this world how so many people are being lost because of their unwillingness to see the Truth and so fall further and further into the sin of this world. We must gain hope and see that Jesus is creating a Weapon of Faith that will call so many of the fallen back to His Truth. We walk on in the knowledge that we have already won this battle through Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. Again, we thank you for all your help that you have given and the help that you will give in the future in the Name of Jesus, our God.

We just wanted to let you know that we have created a new Youtube channel for the Daily Prayers from the Sacred Heart House of Prayer.

Prayers are streamed live at 12 noon, 3pm, 6pm and 8.30pm.

The channel is called “Prayers From the Sacred Heart House of Prayer”

Here is the link:

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